Mywebdunia's Blog

Archive for December 2008

To open a new window by clicking on the link, you will need to use method of javascript.


<a href="javascript: void(0)" 
'windowname',  'width=200, height=77');
   return false;">Click here for simple popup window</a>

Now you can open a simple window, also this function can have different
 features of that window to appear.

Feature List:

Property Default value Description
width auto specifies width of the new window in pixels
height auto height of the window in pixels
top auto specifies window position
left auto specifies window position
directories no should the directories bar be shown? (Links bar)
location no specifies the presence of the location bar
resizable no specifies whether the window can be resized.
menubar no specifies the presence of the menu bar
toolbar no specifies the presence of the toolbar
scrollbars no specifies the presence of the scrollbars
status no specifies the presence of the statusbar

To close the window just use window.close() or use window.close(‘windowname’) the name of the window which you have opened.

CSS hack the name itself says hiding something from someone, that is hiding CSS Rules from specific Web Browser.

Some example of CSS hack..


font-family: Verdana,Arial;




If you are using the above container class and  you want there shouldn’t be any padding-top in IE then the following code would do for you..


font-family: Verdana,Arial;



*padding-top:5px; //hides from IE


The * indicates the browser to hide that attribute and you get the result.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the modern standard for website presentation. Cascading Style Sheets, commonly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable.

When combined with structural markup language like HTML, XHTML, or XML, CSS provide browsers with the information that enables them to present all the  visual aspects and elements of a web document. CSS controls the presentational aspects of a web page’s design, whereas HTML, XHTML, or XML control the  structure of a webpage.

With CSS and XHTML you can reduce the cost of building and maintaining a website  when compared to HTML pages only. Also you can reduce the hard disk space required and the bandwidth, which can benefit webmaster and web visitor.

Web 2.0 itself says something related to Web, the exact term to describe Web 2.0 is a change in World Wide Web and Web Design. Web 2.0 aims to enhance creativity, communications, secure information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web.

Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just retrieve information. Web 2.0 sites often feature a rich, user friendly interface based on AJAX.

Today the web has grown so vast, but we could see still the quality of either designing/developing a website is not standard all they lack is the simplicity.

more will be updated soon…
